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Tag: medical malpractice


Stetts v. Manor Care of Williamsport PA, Pa. No. 16-0983 (C.P. Lycoming March 18, 2022) (Linhardt, J.)  The procedural history of this case is discussed at length in this Court’s December 30, 2021 Opinion and Order addressing Defendants’ Motion to Remand to Compulsory Arbitration and Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. In that Opinion and […]


Barnhill v. Storm, 2018 Phila. Ct. Com. Pl. LEXIS 35 (June 1, 2018) Massiah-Jackson, J.  Defendant Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (“CHOP”) filed a motion for partial summary judgment on the issue of corporate negligence.  First, the defendant asserted that the expert report submitted by plaintiff Barnhill was based on speculation and conjecture and was inadmissible.  […]

Vaccaro v. Scranton Quincy Hospital Company, No. 14 CV 7675 (C.C.P. Lackawanna October 27, 2016)

PA Gynecological Injury Lawyer

The “Motion in Limine of Defendants, Scranton Quincy Hospital Company, LLC d/b/a Moses Taylor Hospital, and Scranton Quincy Clinic Company d/b/a Physicians Health Alliance, Inc., to Preclude Plaintiffs’ Expert Opinions and/or Testimony Regarding the Efficacy and Medical Necessity of Alternative Therapy/Treatment” is DENIED.  Relying on Frye v. United States, 293 F. 1013 (D.C. Cir. 1923), […]